[Admin] Spamhaus Know How | A Webinar, Threat Vectors and eBook

Emotet are down! What other threats are we seeing? Plus our next webinar and other email filtering content to take action from.

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Explore the latest from our Know How Series:# Email Filtering - how to get it right

Spamhaus’ Know How series has expanded! Our experts are sharing email filtering best practices to ensure you get every last ounce of value from your blocklists. So if you’re running your own email server (or considering it!), get registered for our next webinar, with a live Q&A.

Register here


Blog | Attack vectors Spamhaus is observing in 2021#

The big news this week is that Emotet has been taken down! With that notorious botnet out of the picture, here are other notable threats Spamhaus is seeing in the wild.

Read the blog


eBook | Get to know DNS Blocklists#

Some helpful tips and considerations to support email infrastructure decisions, including management and security, to help you protect this precious business asset.

Get the tips

Don’t like clicking on buttons?

If you’re like our CEO and refuse to click on buttons in email:

Know How webinar and additional content can be found at http://www.spamhaus.com/campaign/knowhow_email_filtering/

Blog can be found at https://www.spamhaus.org/news/article/804/some-attack-vectors-spamhaus-is-observing-in-early-2021

eBook can be found at https://f.hubspotusercontent30.net/hubfs/5652833/Know%20How%20-%20DNSBL%20Basics%20-%20eBook.pdf