Join us on a webinar to learn how to increase your block rates, and find out about our newly released Splunk App.
<img alt=„Man with magnifying glass looking at ants and text " join=“" a=„“ webinar,=„“ download=„“ splunk=„“ app=„“ and=„“ more"=„“ src=„“ style=„outline:none; text-decoration:none; -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; max-width:100%; font-size:16px“ width=„600“ align=„middle“ class=„stretch-on-mobile“ srcset=„ 600w, 1200w“ sizes=„(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px“>
Increase your block rates
WEBINAR Thu July 16th, 10am EST 3pm BST
Join Emanuele and Matt from The Spamhaus Project, as they walk you through ways to increase your block rates using hash blocklists. You’ll learn what hash blocklists are, how they’re created, where to add them to your email security stack, and how they’re benefiting other users.
Splunk AppOur Engineers have been busy throughout lock-down and have recently launched
„Spamhaus Datasets for Splunk“. It’s our first foray into the Splunk world and we’d love to get your feedback.
Botnet Update
As we enter into July, keep an eye out for the Q3 Botnet Update. Last quarter we noted a huge 57% reduction in botnet command and controller activity. Sadly, it wasn’t all good news, as you can see from the report below.
Don’t like clicking on buttons?
If you’re like our CEO and refuse to click on buttons in email, the W****ebinar can be found at, Splunk App at and Botnet Update at
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Spamhaus Technology, 4 Old Park Lane, Mayfair, London W1K 1QW, UK
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