[Admin] Discover more about Passive DNS and take a deep dive into email source code

From a Passive DNS webinar to articles on email source code and where to use Spamhaus blocklists, we hope you find something of interest.


20-10 Newsletter - PDNS Webinar & Where to apply blocklists BANNER non customers

Rapid investigation into potential threats with Passive DNS

WEBINAR Thu Oct 22nd, 12pm ET | 5pm BST | 6pm CEST
Analyzing your network, and beyond, for potential cyber threats is hugely time-consuming. However, utilizing Passive DNS data can quickly highlight possible issues. Spamhaus’ expert researcher Carel, will be walking you through real-life scenarios to demonstrate how Passive DNS can help you.


Yellow 3 Robots

Understanding email source codeWe’re going back to basics and taking you on a deep dive into the source code of a malicious email. Discover what lies beneath…

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Where to apply blocklists

Here’s a quick reference guide to illustrate where you should use Spamhaus’ blocklists in the email filtering process.

Review blocklists

Attending SANS next week?

Connect with us and our Partner, Security Zones at SANS Cyber Solutions Fest and join Carel Bitter on Thursday 8th October, 12pm CST, in the Tech Track, for „Strengthen incident investigation and response with Passive DNS“.

Don’t like clicking on buttons?

If you’re like our CEO and refuse to click on buttons in email, the W****ebinar can be found at https://events.spamhaus.com/webinar-passive-dns, Understanding email source code at https://www.spamhaus.com/resource-center/malicious-email-source-code and Where to apply blocklists at https://www.spamhaus.com/resource-center/where-to-apply-spamhaus-blocklists/, Security Zones at https://www.securityzones.net

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