[Admin] Botnet Threat Update for Q1 2021

Get the details on where and who is hosting newly observed botnet command and controllers (C&Cs). Access the full report.


Email Header Botnet Update 2

Just released - Botnet Threat Update, Q1 2021

Find out where the botnet command & controller (C&C)

threats are…

  • Spotlight on the take down of Emotet

  • Number of botnet C&Cs

  • Geolocation of botnet C&Cs

  • Malware associated with botnet C&Cs

  • Most abused domain registrars

  • Most abused top-level domains

  • Networks hosting most newly observed botnet C&Cs

  • Networks hosting the most active botnet C&Cs

Read the full report

If you don’t like to click on hidden links the full URL to access the report is:

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